Motorola company
for Digital Mobile
Radio in VHF/UHF
bands include base
station & Repeaters ,
portable and mobile
radio ,Tetra Radios
EMCsatcom the world No 3 for
VSAT Teleport stations & supplying
of VSAT equipment's & services in
star and mesh configuration for
voice and data services and zero
latency for internet and provide
special gateways to global
Terrestrial voice & data networks
with encryption and additional
security for Banks transaction
Cambuim Networks for Digital
Broadband point to point and
point to multipoints microwave
is one of American International
Radio AIR Holding Company for
supplying of un-license and
icensed TDM/IP Microwave
Equipment's and approved by
American Defense Ministry with
high performance certificate
for supplying of
digital privet
branch Telephone
Switches based on
protocols with
special digital /
Telephone Sets
3M for supplying of
all installation &
maintenance of
Terrestrial Telecom
pair cables & fiber
cables from service
provider to customer
GANZE for surveillance
networks , day/night digital
and IP rugged cameras which
work in all extreme weather
conditions , surveillance
remote control center, include
cameras storage system ,face
and car plates recognition
Orion Telecom is American leader company in
manufacturing Digital TDM , and Fiber optic
interface and Multiplexing equipment's include
E1 - PCM30 , FXS , FXO , SDH-STM1-4-16-64 ,
optical modems , E1protection switches , ADSL
modems , E1 to VOIP convertes
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